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Maximising engagement through the use of Living Labs

A Living Lab Approach to Safer Pathways through Co-Creation

In the evolving landscape of innovation, the concept of Living Labs stands out as a beacon of collaborative progress that transcends traditional boundaries. At its core, a Living Lab is an open innovation ecosystem that thrives on the participation of public and private stakeholders with researchers. It is a concept that bridges the gap between theoretical research and practical application, allowing for the testing and validation of new services, business models, technologies, and market approaches in real-life settings. This approach not only accelerates the path from idea to implementation but also ensures that the solutions developed are grounded in the realities of those they aim to serve.

In the context of the SOTERIA project, the expected outcomes concern new solutions and services that would enable safer urban mobility environments. To assess those innovative solutions, SOTERIA needs to identify/recruit stakeholder representatives from the many vulnerable road user groups as research participants; putting the end-users at the centre of the solution design. Through co-creation, inclusion, and social responsibility, SOTERIA has organised and will continue to arrange workshops, in order to prepare for Living Labs’ stakeholders' participation, ensuring a meaningful experience for all the involved parties.  In the SOTERIA project, four Living Labs have been established, each with a distinct demonstration focus. Each Living Lab presents a unique opportunity to test and refine innovative solutions tailored to local contexts, contributing to the overarching goals of the SOTERIA project. The effectiveness of SOTERIA solutions will be demonstrated and validated within the Living Labs, addressing different types of vulnerable road users. SOTERIA partners will also reach end-users with dissemination materials, by organising events for awareness creation, public acceptance, promotion, market uptake, and learning opportunities.

Empowering Change through Living Labs and World Café Engagement

A desk with a map and pens

Description automatically generatedAmong the collaborative methodologies employed in the SOTERIA Living Labs, engagement through a ‘World Café’ approach has proven to be particularly effective in facilitating meaningful dialogue and exchange of ideas amongst stakeholders. This has fostered an environment where diverse perspectives have been welcomed, and new ideas explored through open-ended conversations and written notes/drawings (see photos). Participants gathered in small groups, engaging in thought-provoking discussions around key topics, before shifting to different tables for cross-pollination of ideas and insights. The result has been a rich tapestry of collective wisdom that has fuelled innovation and is driving change.

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The magic of Living Lab - World Café collaborations lies in their ability to uncover and address unexplored human-environmental-technological interactions. By facilitating a co-creation process that is deeply embedded in the local context, the approach empowers stakeholders to develop solutions that are not only innovative but also equitable and accessible. This holistic approach ensures that the outcomes are not just technologically advanced but also socially relevant and environmentally responsible; thereby, unifying safety and sustainability in the truest sense.

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This piece has been authored by UWE.